gardening is all of life lessons in one space.the growth that matters is slow. the growth that comes too quickly is most often toxic to deep growth.
we are all growing at different paces, with different values and ways to contribute.
asparagus can takes years to produce what we harvest. at times the big frilly asparagus fern drew attention and space away from other aspects. but with patience and years – I am watching my first harvest come. I will carefully harvest and chew slowly.
grow from seed. move slow.
one year, little cute yellow birds kept eating my kale. pecking little holes all over it. struggle with methods to keep this from happening – my sister offered the advice, “have some kale meant for the birds, and some placed somewhere else meant for you.”
when I feel certain aspects of society or culture is pecking little holes in me, I use this analogy for my own self. have some space for the world, and guard other parts of you away from the world.
bright colorful flowers pop up in the garden all over. from years past. from the birds dropping seeds.
“To an optimist every weed is a flower; to a pessimist every flower is a weed.” – Finnish proverb
live into your strengths. what you were meant to do and be.
this kitty is a fierce protector of my garden from voles – little rodents larger than a mouse, smaller than a rat – that eat gardens and vegetation. this girl and her brother get them all the time, all day.
by just being who they are meant to be, they bless me. and of no extra effort out them.
live into who you are meant to be – we will bless others simply by that.
currently cultivating: chives, basil, mint, lavender, chamomile, thyme, oregano, fennel, cilantro, blackberries, strawberries, various kale varieties, tomatoes, tomatillo, Brussel sprouts, cilantro, zucchini, asparagus, pepper, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, snap peas, cabbage, lettuce, blueberries, chard, edible flowers, various beans, lime, 2 fig, kumquat, apple, lemon, 2 avocado, lava beans, loquat, tangelo, tangerine (recently harvested : leeks, beets)
last years mammoth sunflowers – saved and started planting…
big harvest to give to neighbors and friends, and make a large kale pesto
when I was little my mom made sun-tea. wanted to see if I could make my own fresh mint, camomile, lemon iced tea…
when making tea from fresh mint – rub it in your palms to release the oils and flavor
sunny spot in the yard for the day and looking forward to sipping on tea, with a dollop of honey, later this afternoon
be more garden.
be more alive. slowly. growing at whatever pace if meant for you.
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