my name is stacy & this is my space to post little moments, little gems throughout the day, and memories in photograph form. i love to photograph my family most of all, and all the adventures and beauties in our life in san diego. my husband & i are so blessed with our family & friends and this is a little way to savor each of the things and people we love so much. i do photography for others as well, so from time to time i'll post pictures from a photo shoot. but mostly - this blog is a creative space for me. thanks for checking in! xoxo stacy
a family vacation. in the mountains for a memorable tradition of thanksgiving with friends, and in seattle for a few days enjoying a beloved place. northwest autumn 2016 from stacy bostrom on Vimeo.
i think i have been doing ten on ten for almost nine years. every month, on the tenth day – take a photograph an hour. it honestly shaped my photography, my mindset, my business and my creative/artistic self. i was not a photographer when i started ten on ten, i just had a little baby...