…and somedays it’s really blue.


ocean grays


hostessing in our little home

this week the home has been filled with chocolate, fresh flowers, and sweet visitors.  actually — i think most of the time i have plenty of chocolate, fresh flowers, and sweet visitors — but we stepped it up a notch and made it feel official with two little, intimate gatherings.  i had so much joy at both little events, while small and intimate — it was just perfect.  here are a few snapshots – mostly before or after the events so i could put the camera down and enjoy food, drinks, and conversation…i am posting the menus from the dessert & cocktails night and the saturday morning brunch so i can refer back and do it again.  being 35 weeks pregnant and still doing a lot of photoshoots, there was no way i could (would) make everything, so i cheated and bought a few key desserts at an amazing local bakery & had a friend partner on the brunch – but alllll worth it!

dessert & drinks menu:  chocolate flourless cake (local bakery), fresh berries & homemade whipped cream, dark chocolate brownies with dark chocolate reeses peanut butter cups chopped up inside, tiramisu (local bakery), fresh berry dessert from the best cookbook ever: Super Natural Every Day, and a few other little random yummies.  wine, sparkling juices, & cocktails with frozen raspberries.

little party favors were super simple & hopefully useful, just mason jars with fresh mintfriday — no hostessing, no plans.  we just enjoyed a quiet home & a dip in the pool.saturday — swapped out the hanging tea lights for hanging fresh flowers, added a few more chairs & ready to go…

saturday morning brunch:   baked oatmeal made with peaches, strawberries & bananas (variation from SuperNaturalEveryDay), fresh fruit, mango tart (local bakery), vegetarian frittata (brought by friend), chicken sausage egg dish (brought by friend).  i had 3/4 of the tiramisu cake left over from thursday – so we put it in little jars, topped with fresh flowers and fresh raspberries and wa-la! instant fancy dessert.  drinks: coffee, several different juices & sparking drinks, lemon/strawberry water, and mango mimosas.  

and all the left-overs are still perfect.


grown so much.

i just can’t help it.  i just fall in love with families during shoots.  there is something about just being with a family… all together & watching them interact.  the spunk, the laughter, the silliness.  i had to share this little glimpse into a family that is a true treasure to know.

i looked through their pictures from last year HERE and marveled at how much they have grown up in one year.  but those engaging eyes & adorable dimples just stay the same.

amazingly adorable…



a few hours at the beach, just the perfect recipe to liven my spirits…

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at laguna with the mcClenahans


ten on ten

a morning working & organizing with my mom — and an afternoon at a photo shoot.   considering it was a day of tasks & work — the people along side me for those tasks & work made it pretty enjoyable.  and for that, i feel pretty lucky.

this is katie — she has been such a delight to welcome into our world this summer & gavin looooves her.  a gem of a babysitter!  we’re going to miss her when she goes back to college.  we hate good-byes around here.


picnic bridal shower


get-away to santa barbara

highlights from our little get-away, in no particular order…


soakin’ it in…

on a little santa barbara family getaway.  just lovely…  if you have never been, it is just perfection.  go someday.

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