contagious spirit

some people’s love, smile & energy is simply contagious.  the other day i drove up to beverly hills & venice to photograph this darling couple’s civil ceremony. i couldn’t help as i was sorting the pictures to grab a small handful out.  i hope that just through the pictures you can get a little glimpse of how uniquely special they are.this morning she emailed me saying “Stacy we are still glowing with excitement from absolutely everything.”

i hope, and have a good feeling, they’ll always keep glowing.


family love

we spent several days with some of the cutest kids on earth… aka my family;)

but i just didn’t take a lot of photos, times (like here or here or here or here) i’ve taken a lot!  but just a few this time, and enough to spark memories.


winter wonderland

sometimes i feel like i could take a hundred photos in my life – in my day, and i do…

and sometimes i feel like i see what could be a hundred photos in my life — and i just see them…

a mixture of these two feelings coming in post soon.

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getting out there & back to simple basics

to do lists can overwhelm us, busyness stifles us…  but as i was talking with my dear friend rebekah goughshe mentioned & reminisced when we blogged simple/mundane/basic things in our days. it didn’t really matter how cool it was or who was going to judge. it was so simple & freeing and a wonderful creative outlet for us introverted-creatives. so after chatting with her – i walked to the beach, camera on the stroller and took it all in. with freshness and deep breathes. noticing beauty & photographing random “nothings”.  the laundry didn’t get folded, but a lot of more important things were accomplished.   like reconnecting with the air, my little buddy, and even myself…

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my office. our creative spaces. in our one car garage.

we live simply, in a small space. but like i mentioned in my post HERE, i needed a space to get my photography business & computer OUT of the house. OUT of sight. but where i didn’t have to leave my babies to work.  hmmmmmm….

we have a one car garage – and after some decorative renovations & organizing – no major changes or building… i have myself an office. and the idea expanded and now our boys have a creative/activity room connected to my office.  i still see several changes/upgrades/finishing touches that need to happen (like my picture “display” wall that needs major work still) – but for the most part, we are in action in our creative spaces.

listening to quiet palms in the wind & the sun pouring in through my open dutch door is enough to make this space simply divine for me.i really mainly thought gavin would love it the most – but truly, kai is obsessed with the space. and i love that it’s ok if he writes on the walls… they are chalkboard. and at the end of the day – it’s just the garage…in the summer – i anticipate we’ll draw open the curtains and open the garage and have a truly “indoor/outdoor” living & play experience.  i am excited to take the paints outside in the driveway and be creative & messy & free.


“drink… the air”

the winter beach air, the low tides, the quieter sands… it’s simply the best here for beach shoots. to live in the sunshine and for this family – their contagious spirit.

what i loved: the freckles. the glee that increased in sweet baby girl as the energy & “wildness” increased. the connections here, that makes their blended family a perfect place to see love abounding.


ten on ten…

oh a bust. i started with grand intentions and lost my way half way through the day…  but here are the first few of the day – i think i made it most of the way, but lost my way for the last three…

more beautiful sets of ten on ten HERE on rebekah gough’s blog.


oh my, my, my…

twenty-thirteen :: the year started with me over-reacting and wanting to throw it all away. taking down my photography website and being “done”. i felt overwhelmed, conflicted, and completely creatively burned. i was close to wanting nothing to do with it. so we pulled the reins in. i took barely any new clients. i spent energy making a physical office for my photography so i could close the door and not acknowledge it. we hung wall-paper, set up a new desk, painted… and still i wanted barely anything new.  but the year went along. and i began to feel little energy coming back after each shoot. i started feeling creatively inspired again by new ventures, and by seeing returning clients come back i hadn’t seen in a year. the faithful group that makes me feel valued as a photographer. and the year went on. the office became used and messy quickly. the shoots started piling up. i hired an assistant. i photographed many…  i created over a thousand holiday cards. i created thousands and thousands of images. and oh my. what a year. from despair to abundance. i thought it would be interesting for my own sake to look back at some of the shoots i did. and started pulling images, without over-analyzing. and i watched as the year progressed how full it became.  now if by the end of this post you feel like you’re gonna explode, my apologies. but that is sometimes how i feel. a little bit exploding with the abundance of photos, but also exploding with gratitude at the beauty, the relationships, the love i photograph.  please allow some music to accompany the journey (you’ll need it). some lively music (added above).  ”many days, fell away with nothing to show… the walls kept tumbling down… but if you close your eyes, doesn’t it almost feel like nothing changed at all… like you’ve been here before.  now i’m beginning to be an optimist about this.  now i’m beginning to be an optimist about this.”

so here we go. between one and a small handful from each photoshoot this year… separated by season.

tired and inspired all in the same breath.


christmas 2013

little video snippets of our christmas


little snippets of december

it has felt like so many sweet moments of december have gone unphotographed. like decorating cookies, going to the nutcracker, a gingerbread house, christmas light viewings with dear friends, simple little holiday crafts, hosting ones we love, incredible december sunsets at the beach, cozy fires in our sunroom, running all over doing errands (well that isn’t too photogenic…)  etc, etc…  but hoping that some of these stills can help us in years to come remember what is behind some of the images. here’s to a special week with family and at home. may your days be merry and christmas be lovely.


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