we live simply, in a small space. but like i mentioned in my post HERE, i needed a space to get my photography business & computer OUT of the house. OUT of sight. but where i didn’t have to leave my babies to work. hmmmmmm….
we have a one car garage – and after some decorative renovations & organizing – no major changes or building… i have myself an office. and the idea expanded and now our boys have a creative/activity room connected to my office. i still see several changes/upgrades/finishing touches that need to happen (like my picture “display” wall that needs major work still) – but for the most part, we are in action in our creative spaces.
listening to quiet palms in the wind & the sun pouring in through my open dutch door is enough to make this space simply divine for me.
i really mainly thought gavin would love it the most – but truly, kai is obsessed with the space. and i love that it’s ok if he writes on the walls… they are chalkboard. and at the end of the day – it’s just the garage…
in the summer – i anticipate we’ll draw open the curtains and open the garage and have a truly “indoor/outdoor” living & play experience. i am excited to take the paints outside in the driveway and be creative & messy & free.