just a few little teasers and snaps from day one ‘on assignment’ alongside corey to photograph a very special couple begin a life of beauty, adventure, and love.
i met this couple over 10 years ago, when they were so young & in my sister’s home church… fast forward ten years, their kindness, humility, authentic warmth, and genuine love for others had stuck in my memory. what an honor to be asked to photograph this next step in their journey… i asked brooke to write a few little words for me about their journey to being parents, and here are just a few snippets of what she emailed me:
“…we were high school sweethearts and have been together almost half of our lives, which is crazy and beautiful…
we’ve been married almost ten years, we are both high school teachers, and have spent our summers going on adventures, traveling to six continents together and over twenty countries, road tripping to national parks, going backpacking…
…about a year ago, all of a sudden, the greatest desire of my heart was to become a mom.
once we found out we were pregnant in September, it was as if our lives changed completely, and we began experiencing this ultimate joy that we never knew was even possible.
i couldn’t be more excited to meet the little one who be joining our family in the next few weeks.
If I could sum up my pregnancy journey in one word it would be gratitude.
I am just so, so grateful for the opportunity to be a mom.
Now, we are ready and waiting to embark on our greatest adventure yet, as we wait for our little one to make an appearance.
recently, in honor of mother’s day, i was asked to put together some tips for www.photo.net on capturing family photographs… CLICK HERE FOR LINK ARTICLE
it was a good experience to sit down in the quiet and think through what i do almost subconsciously.
my number 1 tip is about engaging. be engaging, encourage engaging. allow, welcome, and celebrate each family members unique way of engaging.
i realized how much i value capturing movement…and talked a little more in depth of how to photograph real; authentic moments…
about the “in-between”. the moments in-between “poses” usually tell a much stronger story & yield more emotion & beauty.
…about how the use of light is not only a way to push one’s photography skills to the next level – but is a perfect compliment to elicit emotions…and to embrace the realities of the complexities of family… i hope you can gain some encouragement or motivation to photograph your own family more, or even the families whom you photograph. thanks for checking it out!
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i simply love what ten on ten does to how you see your day. so today, i added a little extra to our family journal of ten 0n ten. a one minute combination of moving pictures of our day. just enough that in years to come our memories are lifted.
ten on ten – may from stacy bostrom on Vimeo.
i loved how simple they made it feel: to love each other & their newborn son.
i loved the way the talked with their baby… how they told him jokes, and laughed together.
i loved how they showed him off to neighbors walking by.
i loved their energy to feel the elements & the new life that family is.
sometimes i can’t come up with any words to go with how i love the experience of meeting a new family and entering their world at such an intimate, precious, vulnerable time.
when their hearts are about to explode with love.
it is humbling & life-giving to see… and then document & reflect back.
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from the beginning of school, when he hated it & just wanted to be home.
now has found it is possible, and actually more fulfilling to accept that one can love being in two totally different, almost contrasting, environments. that we are our best when we embrace that we can thrive in various circumstances by drawing on the complexities in our strengths. love our gavin & all he is inside & all his strengths and his wonderful heart.
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today i went to venice beach for a newborn shoot… and it was pretty much a dream. barely glanced at the pictures as they downloaded since i was in mom mode & can’t wait to dive into them sometime in the coming days.
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