it just was irresistible

hey stacy, how about do a photoshoot at your favorite beach with some lovely friends on a perfectly warm sunday evening?

hmmm, ok.

and maybe we all may have a little too much fun.

and maybe all get a little too wet…  it just felt so perfect, it was irresistible.


so many stories

i teared up reliving how their stories have come together and move forward as one story. their love, their life, their family – a beautiful blend of their past and their present.

a little more of their sweet love here & here


scott & lindsey from stacy bostrom on Vimeo.


autumn sunset

the sky went from blue, to gray, to pink over the pacific last night as i photographed a friend’s sweet family.

my boys and their babysitter walked to the beach from the nearby soccer field & met us on the sand.

we came home sandy, hungry & grateful. as crazy as this season is for me as a photographer – i love it. love it so much.

i snapped these two images as i walked up from the shoot.  the sun had set. and truly the sky kept getting better and better.

there is something glorious about being in love with where you are, but seeing the beauty and the wonder of something unfold. 


the sun set on us

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sea to sea || autumn

it’s autumn. right? i saw they were selling pumpkins at the market.

i saw some sweaters in the store windows. but we are dusting sand off our feet & eating popsicles.

in our collaboration, rebekah and i are sharing photographs, taken from a word inspiration.

two friends – one in seattle, one in san diego. and this week – our lives feel so different.

what i take away from this week… find and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

don’t compare or feel a need to be like someone, somewhere, something. it is possible to love & appreciate differences in others without the need to be alike.

first set: mine. second set: rebekah’s

set 1:

set 2:

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our shoot

when we were in the pacific northwest, we had kati dimoff photograph our family at discovery park on a gorgeous late summer evening. hoping for a pause in life to get some up on walls all over.


oh boys. they just love their muscles.

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lucia – you are two.

how much i wish i was there to squeeze you and be present as you welcomed a new year of great thing about my sister and her beautiful family living in switzerland is to be able to visit and be with them for five weeks in europe.

but the worst part is the distance, complications in communication, and missing big days like baby girl’s birthday today.  i miss you lucia.  kai kai wishes he could give you a big kiss and squeeze of love.

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sea to sea || evening

a few weeks ago, when rebekah (my dear friend from seattle) and i started our weekly collaboration of photographs – we had a heart of simplicity — to find simple gratitude in life – and we were off to a good start (here and here).  i slowed down our momentum (sorry R!!!) with some really frustrating camera issues (meaning i had no functioning camera)  but we are back in action!

evenings is the theme this week. our last theme was mornings – and i was inspired to not only photograph the beauty of our mornings, but to be present and aware of the beauty of this stage of life in the mornings too.  next – we look at how to find beauty, gratitude, and simplicity in evenings.  and the reality is – evenings are nutty.  many days, we spend them at the pool to squeeze every last ounce of energy out of my busy boys before bed.  but also – i often am out doing photoshoots, so that homey lovely family dinner evening isn’t really a reality here.  i choose to believe i make it up in other ways. evenings for us are always unique. they are far from simple. and through this collaboration – i am choosing to be grateful for that.  the fun of evenings.  sometimes spent at the pool.  sometimes spent at the beach.  sometimes spent eating random foods on the counter and doing homework.  sometimes quiet with a wonderfully fresh & homemade-with-love-prepared-meal and sometimes they quietly dissolve into night with little excitement. and while evenings are unique – bedtime is almost always constantly peaceful and the same. beautiful and wild evenings, somehow lead into the first big deep breath of the day……. when the house becomes quiet & still & dark.

the photo collaboration is a mixture of my photos and rebekah’s (read her thoughts on evenings here).  simply a reflection of the diversity of evenings.

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when all the tourists drive away, when all the routines start, when all the heat settles inland a little… we all sigh and enjoy our secret – that the best beach time is just beginning. so last week, i was at the beach for low tides in the late afternoons four times for photoshoots. how can i/we resist.


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