t w e n t y – f o u r t e e n
a year of blessings i hope we never forget.
just a few stills & a few moving parts can help spark our memories for years to come – of this christmas.
simple, sweet & filled with joy.
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no face or heart the same. and to photograph a tiny glimpse into who people are, with the ones they cherish most…Â it is humbling.
to be welcomed in – year and after year with so many.
a little glimpse into how the holiday season of my photography business was (& is).
we’ll end on a high note.
have faith that love is abounding in families. that children are getting outside & playing wildly with glee. Â have hope in the children of tomorrow, because so many are loved & are being raised to love the un-loved. spread cheer this christmas & holiday season.
but my head seems fuller.
and my body seems empty.
but these two… keep me smiling through it all.
amongst the craziness lately, there are & have been some beautiful moments of peace & calm at home. which is a good thing, a necessity. only moments, but those moments are good.
i don’t always shoot at the beach. but truly don’t mind that lately that’s been mostly where i’ve been.