portrait challenge

i saw this picture on pinterest, and it sparked my desire to improve my photography.  i often waver between total excitement of photography and total discouragement.  maybe leaning towards the discouragement of abilities lately. so in classic stacy-style, time for some classes i make up for myself.  i realized that black and white are really a huge challenge to do beautifully – so i made a list of different styles i wanted to work on.   I’ll be posting my self-challenges and see how i do.  join me if you want and i’d love to see yours too…

10 black and white portraits

1. intense contrast

2. soft & subtle

3. wide angled portrait

4. grainy goodness

5. tiniest focal point possible

6. unique expression

7. interesting use of light

8. white in background

9. black in background

10. in a window


kristina - August 1, 2011 - 1:35 pm

awesome, Stace!
Remember Annika’s ballet photos in all their grainy glory? How funny if you end up hoping for terrible lighting and a lousy room! ;)

black and white » the bostrom blog - August 1, 2011 - 3:45 pm

[...] haven’t been doing very well at keeping up with my self challenge on types of black and whites…  my sister reminded me of some pictures i took of my niece at [...]

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