the magic of sport

there is something almost magical about sports.  the energy, the excitement, the dream.  this season of baseball, when gavin is now a little older, feels a little different.  his eyes lit up a little more and in a different way this time.  special.

it was just such a “san diego” night.  padres spirit, a military plane, thick “may-gray” skies, my cousin on a beach cruiser…


Gramma - May 22, 2011 - 2:08 pm

And he did pitch!
Everybody slept in late today?
Good times!

stacy - May 22, 2011 - 2:13 pm

he did, and did awesome!
gavin went to sleep at 11pm!! up at 7:15 like normal…. even made it to church and in pretty good spirits. maybe a 5pm bedtime today though :)

yes, good times. when we were leaving gav said, “i like them…” about the qualls :)

Kristina - May 26, 2011 - 7:50 pm

oh boy, am I homesick!! Picking strawberries was just a start, and this?! So fun. Did Chad really ride his bike to the game? And Tara? So cool. Hugs to all.

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