a morning walk

i had (have) so much to do today, get ready for company, make a sample wedding cake, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, errands…..  i threw it all to the wind a bit and went on a quiet solo walk through the lagoon on this summery-winter morning.  it was all worth it.   all the chores can wait.  i’d much rather be outside.

beautiful morning, beautiful day.  i don’t think that cake is going to get made today….


Joann - January 27, 2011 - 2:36 pm

Wow, I feel like I got to go along. Beautiful pics, Stacy.

Rebekah - January 27, 2011 - 9:43 pm

um wedding cake? wow what can’t you do your amazing and these photos are stunning as per usual. also how do you manage to be so beautiful all at the same time!! :)

ingrid - January 29, 2011 - 8:55 am

new shades, new sweater? bjorn & i were just talking about how beautiful you are :)

way to blow off chores! i’m sure you could take gorgeous pics of doing chores too but i really like these enchanted woodsy ones

stacy - January 29, 2011 - 2:21 pm

ahh, you guys are sweet :) old old old sweater ing, but yes – new shades :)
the cake is a whole adventure about to happen soon :) more to come on that!

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