soup day

it’s a blazing 90 degrees. but we cherish pretending it’s autumn.

i’ve become obsessed with a weekly soup pot (sometimes two).

here – it is mondays. prepping & chopping…  simmering.

making enough to last for days, or impromtu guests, or to freeze… almost always grain-free. making our weekly meals loaded with veggies, protein & lots of healthy boosters – feeling sooooo good.

sometimes my own creation using whatever is ready in my garden – sometimes exploring fun recipes from inspiring things i see on pinterest.

this week’s soup is : “immune boosting soup” ( with a little added sriracha).

cooking & photography both take a lot of time. something therapeutic about it all. allowing the space to create – whether food or beauty. allowing the quiet to have ideas. creating the space to see things from a different perspective or taste things more carefully. tending to growing food so that consuming it is a true gift & pleasure.



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