
listening to old records of christmas carols, eating cookies, my dad playing carols on the accordion, ice-skating, baking cookies for santa with my mom, christmas eve service, presents, cookies, stockings, good food, cookies, telling the story of jesus’ birth, being with family, delivering cookies to the neighbors, santa, eating cookies, taking photographs… now blogging those photographs while eating MORE cookies.  christmas is good.

we cleaned up and attended a lovely christmas eve service, where my mom sang in the choir, and gavin asked all kinds of questions… like, “is that God?!” about the Lutheran minister in his white robe.   we celebrated Jesus’ birth, and also made cookies for santa with gramma….

christmas night came, and santa came. i layed next to gavin on christmas morning as he woke up and looked at me.  he whispered right away, “did santa come?” i responded “i think so!” gavin quickly said, “do you think he brought me a baseball helmet?!!?”  ”let’s go see…” i said.   and the morning unfolded into pure christmas magic for our little 3 year old…….…with morning candy & oranges in the stockings, giving and receiving of gifts, and yes…. the baseball helmet too.

telling us allllll about all the presents santa brought (gav code – “put down the camera, let’s get started!!!”)

and to end a beautiful christmas day- we took cookies to the neighbors…

a tired gavin, but still up for a litttttttle more fun on our drive home….  meeting up with my cousin chad, his adorable wife tara, and their little guy caiden in pales verdez – those pictures will be the next blog post…….

merry christmas to all.

1 comment

Kristina - December 31, 2010 - 4:50 pm

AAAAH! Missing you even more!!! Give Gav a huge hug for me, and Johan too…
And go dad on the ice skates!!!!!

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