it’s just a little window, a little tiny sliver of life that is so precious and incredible.
so intimate and beyond words. bringing a sweet baby home to their family, their life, their world.
i feel incredibly honored to step into these moments with families – photographing what they hold so dearly. i love it!!! it’s becoming quickly my most favorite type of photography. documenting life at home for a new baby and the family who welcomes him. i think a little piece of me re-lives it every time. and then i go home and get big baby kisses from my now seven month old baby and a big choking neck hug from my 5 year old. and i am equally as thrilled to be beyond those early days too. because it’s all just magical really. and while babies do what babies do, i just love that the big kids (with eyes filled with more energy and excitement than imaginable) show me around the world and family baby is joining…
and yes, babies sometimes pass little toots that get quite a reaction.
…yes, this family is beyond words.
their beauty from the inside glows on the outside. the way they look at each other, smile with one another, and engage is inspiring. much love and best wishes brown family.
little baby walker is a lucky boy to join such a family as yours. and i can tell that you all are quite smitten with him as well.